1. Dalia says:

    It looks great! Your underpainting really grasps the shadows and highlights of your still life.

  2. Devynn says:

    I love the underpainting! You did a great job of showing depth with the contrasting shades. I like how it looks sorta water colored.

  3. J says:

    The underpainting looks good! The proportions look nice, and you really captured the fun little reflective light on the bottom of the big vase

  4. Sarrah says:

    I loveee it!! such soft and creamy red, blue and green greys. They compliment each other so well in your composition. I’m also very glad to see how much you’ve developed the shadows and textures in your background wall already. Excited to see your progress and when you add the light reflections etc!

  5. Dalia says:

    it’s looking too good! the color composition is so soothing. you’re so close to being done

  6. Sarrah says:

    It’s beautiful, Sarah! Perfectly mixed greys and lovely textures. My favorite part is that band of light paper peeking through and cutting down across the bottom of the painting! really well done 🙂

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