1. Andreas says:

    I like the color combination

  2. Devynn says:

    Such beautiful contrasting shades, Afiwa! I love the shadows as well. The orange and blue underpainting added lots of depth! Love It so far.

    1. Afiwa says:

      Thanks Devynn!!!

  3. J says:

    Do you see the comment I posted here, or is my computer glitching? I just wrote about how nice it’s looking so far and how well you’re developing the values, but when I refresh the page, the comment doesn’t show up. Maybe I didn’t hit submit?

    Anyway! Computer issues aside, I really like this so far! I’m looking forward to how this turns out, because you’re doing such a good job. The underpainting really shows the different values, and the progress shot is doing a great job building on that!

    1. Afiwa says:

      Yes! I can see your comment. Technology can be tricky a lot of times. Thank you so much for your encouragement (here and in Drawing 🙂 ) !! I appreciate you!!

  4. Sarrah says:

    This is beautiful Afiwa!! You set your underpainting up brilliantly and it’s translating well into your final painting. Also that texture in the background is too good. Are you thinking of amping up the darkness of your background color/shadow? I think increasing the contrast in your shadows will help make your composition pop.

    1. Afiwa says:

      Thank you for the feedback Sarrah!!!

  5. Deirdre says:

    Really nice resolution to your painting, I appreciate your experimentation with paint handling and complementary mixed grays. The underpainting really set the stage for a warm painting.

    Let’s make sure that you work from observation for your third painting. Working from a painting is a very valuable lesson but working from life possesses it own set of challenges.

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