1. Sarrah says:

    This is so beautiful Carolyn!! The bright white highlights bring the entire painting to life and make the glass look so realistic and brilliant!!

  2. Deirdre says:

    Nice work. The metallic band on the top ellipse is really convincing and the range of blues and greens has depth. I am not sure what is going on with the background edge, it has two different spaces-one on the left with a hard edge and the right side soft edge. Very nice work overall.

    1. Carolyn says:

      Thank you! I’ve definitely noticed as I’m working on finishing the inside of the bottle that the shapes are getting a little warped. Once I finish the bottom layer of the bottle I’m going to fine tune any background details to make the edges of the bottle cleaner and help everything look more cohesive. As for the background shadow, that’s weirdly enough what the reference photo looks like! I’ll definitely take a closer look at it though and make everything clearer. I’ve never worked with underpainting before so it’s currently messier than I intend the final product to be.

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