Description: A mosaic portrait painting of my sisters and I in quarantine. Artist Mentor: Osaze Akil
Master Study and Color Distribution
Artist Mentor: Sam Gilliam
Complimentary Project Inspo pics
Monochromatic Gray Project
Monochromatic Gray Pic Inspo
Color wheels
Pixel Paint
Artist Mentor: Osaze Akil
Artists Inspo
Osaze Akil is one of my fav contemporary artists. He is a visual artist from Georgia. One of the many reasons I love his works is they depict African people in a divine way and put an emphasis on Black Love and Black Solidarity. I inserted a picture of him and two of his works …
Afiwa Afandalo
Helloooo! My name is Afiwa. I’m a first-year student from the Bronx, NY (originally from Togo). I am undeclared in CAS but I’m interested in Africana studies, women studies, and many other fields within the Humanities. This is my first official painting class. I did take an elective in high school but it was in …